Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The skin show.

Long ago I heard this song on radio "we had joys, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun........."
and like most people, I could identify so much with the lyrics. It took it me on a train of memories of my wonderful childhood.

One of the few things I always remember about my childhood is wounds. They were always there... on my knees, elbows, wrists, legs, basically everywhere. Somehow I always found it amusing that I could walk safer and run faster when I had an injured knee and wrote my exams quicker with a bruised elbow.

As time went by, I remember the wounds becoming smaller and skinned knees becoming a history. By the time I reached grade 10, all i can remember was appearing for my matric exams without any kind of injury. I had given up playing basketball and riding my bike to school for the sake of my academics. For some time it felt alien to not have a persistent pain in one body part or the other. I missed running to the nearest medical store for the "band-aids" that cme in all colours and sizes and with all kind of cartoon charecters prinited on them.

With time, all of this became a memory that was conveniently staked up in the attic of my memories. It all decided to come flashing back to me when one fine day I actually managed to trip on an uneven surface and skinned my knee (of all the things!!!!!). Suddenly, it seemed that there was a sharp blade like thing that just cut my knee and blood was oozing out. It was no the pain but I was surprised at my ownself for the way I reacted on seeing those drops of blood tripping down my leg. I was hysterical, I actually tried to control my tears and instead of going for a simple "band-aid", I decided to rush to the doctor. And if that was not all, I opted for a tetanus shot (which I hated as a 9 year old) and got a complete dressing of my wound done.

It only took me a few painkillers to get proper sleep during the night.

I was surpirsed at the change in my own perceptions with time and age. What I took in my stride as a kid was not a scary experience for me. What I thought was a part of my routine in good old days now looked like a tragic paiful and an embarrasing thing to have happened to me.

Do wirte in a line if you think you agree with me.


Bird said...

have u listened the ghazal 'Woh kagaz ki kashti .. woh baarish ka paani' I am sure u hv.. good childhood is always there .. its the most beautiful time of our lives but what a pitty we realize it only when we have proudly transformed ourselves into that breed of professionals which keeps running after something.. which is least important in the life....

Good one !!!

insincere boy said...

Good observation there Miss. One definition of success I read somewhere: "Those who never let the child inside them die". The carefree and "reckless" attitude is what I sorely miss...I like silly people...their silly antics. Seriousness and maturity is so overrated in the adult world. We get trained to be tamed by fear and conformity.

Unknown said...

it's true that as we grow up we begin to miss out on the little joys of childhood. sadly often, we don't even realise that fading fun. years after, one fine day, some person, some happening, something.. reminds us of those joys. we feel that same feeling and innocence in us. then some stupid task pops-up on our mind. the feeling gets skipped. we don't even spare a thought on how beautiful life was. and how we unknowingly drag ourselves to places far way from that joyland.
most people don't reflect back. but shipra, you do.