Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The only thing that keeps me going on.....

Dreams may come and dreams go, but what should not go is the heart that dares to dream.

My morning starts with a vision to do something meaningful in life.... and as the day passses by, the aspirations dwindle away, the dreams are shattered by the stones of reality, the illusions fad away into the oblivion and I tell the plans to go take a hike.
Every time I cry about something, I promise myself that this is the last time I'm letting anyone hurt me badly and the last time that I am letting a situation get out of control......... but history repeats itself. I often face a conflict between my heart and mind where the two think in opposite directions, each one presenting their own case with full explanations in the courtroom of my soul. My sensibilities go numb and education jumps out of the window. I doubt my judgement about issues and people in general.

These are just the "black days" when people tell me that I probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

On one such "black day", I hope the sun would smile out from somewhere in between the clouds and tell me that everything has been taken care of, people are not mad at me for some reason or the other and every piece of the jig-saw puzzle has fallen into place accurately.

I guess there is only one word that describes the feeling and we all live it....... Hope.

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