Someone once said that there is always a first time in life and some firsts. You first day at school, your first best friend, your first kiss, your first date, your first fight with your mates, your first trip abroad. These are some of the things that make up your memories, memories that last you a life time, moments that rekindle hope in your life, times that you feel alive when the whole world backs out on you.
There are also times when you find it hard to let go of these memories, even if they impede your way to move on. No matter how precious things are, after a certain point you have to let go of them. People will either leave you and move on into their own lives or you would have to leave them. Other materialistic things will also come of age, maybe you will feel the same way about them, maybe not. Some things will break with time, while you would want to break some other things. You might just start to feel differently about people, things and emotions.
Every relation in this world is time bound, with people, with things and even with your own thought process.
Its always a matter of choice about what you want to keep with you and what you have to let go of. Because things and people that you care the most about are the hardest to let go of, Especially if they are deeply embedded in your mind as memories. The ones that you want to let go of are both the best and the worst times that you have had. After a while they both become too much of a pain to keep inside your head. The good ones because we know that they might not come back again, the bad ones, because they make you weak in your knees and you want to go back in time and undo every trace of it.
We do live in the present and work for our future, but its the our memories that make us the people that we are. Other people might call it "Experience".
There are also times when you find it hard to let go of these memories, even if they impede your way to move on. No matter how precious things are, after a certain point you have to let go of them. People will either leave you and move on into their own lives or you would have to leave them. Other materialistic things will also come of age, maybe you will feel the same way about them, maybe not. Some things will break with time, while you would want to break some other things. You might just start to feel differently about people, things and emotions.
Every relation in this world is time bound, with people, with things and even with your own thought process.
Its always a matter of choice about what you want to keep with you and what you have to let go of. Because things and people that you care the most about are the hardest to let go of, Especially if they are deeply embedded in your mind as memories. The ones that you want to let go of are both the best and the worst times that you have had. After a while they both become too much of a pain to keep inside your head. The good ones because we know that they might not come back again, the bad ones, because they make you weak in your knees and you want to go back in time and undo every trace of it.
We do live in the present and work for our future, but its the our memories that make us the people that we are. Other people might call it "Experience".
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