Friday, August 30, 2024

Making PYP Happen - My reflections (Module 4)


In the ever-evolving landscape of education, trainings and workshops play a vital role in shaping our understanding, refining our practices, and ultimately enhancing the learning experiences we provide for our students. Attending this program on Primary Years Program – Making PYP Happen – Implementing agency, has been a transformative experience. As I reflect on the workshop, and the three key questions: How has agency been supported and nurtured? How is my understanding of PYP principles and practices evolving? And, most importantly, how can I apply this learning to my own teaching and learning journey?, I feel, I have so much to think and also experience a growth in my own understanding of the concepts of teaching.

Nurturing Agency Through Active Participation

One of the most impactful aspects of the workshop was how it fostered a sense of agency—not just in theory, but in practice. Agency, in the PYP context, is all about empowering students to take ownership of their learning. Throughout the workshop, I found myself actively engaged, not just as a passive recipient of information, but as a co-constructor of knowledge.

Our facilitator, Ms. Shaimaa Karara, encouraged us to voice our thoughts, engage in meaningful discussions, and collaborate with peers. This approach mirrored the very principles we aim to inculcate in our students—choice, voice, and reflection. By allowing us to explore topics of interest and engage in self-directed learning activities, the workshop itself became a model of how agency can be nurtured in the classroom. There was a lot of thinking and looking around my own classroom for reflection, practices and methods to determine what works best to enhance the student learning experience. It reminded me of the importance of creating learning environments where students feel empowered to take risks, ask questions, and drive their own learning journeys.

Evolving Understanding of PYP Principles and Practices 

As educators, we are always on a path of growth, and this workshop significantly deepened my understanding of the PYP's core principles and practices. The PYP framework is built on

inquiry-based learning, transdisciplinary themes, and a commitment to fostering international-mindedness. Through the workshop, these concepts moved from abstract ideas to actionable strategies.

One of the most enlightening aspects was the practical application of these principles. The

workshop provided concrete examples of how to implement inquiry-based learning in the

classroom, from crafting open-ended questions to designing interdisciplinary units that

encourage critical thinking. My perspective on teaching within the PYP framework has

expanded, and I now feel more equipped to create learning experiences that are not only

engaging but also deeply meaningful for my students.

Applying Workshop Insights to My Teaching and Learning

The real test of any professional development experience is how it translates into practice. As I reflect on the program, I see numerous ways to integrate the insights gained into my own teaching.First and foremost, I am inspired to give my students even more ownership of their learning. This means creating opportunities for student choice in projects, encouraging student-led inquiries, and involving students in setting and assessing their own learning goals. By fostering agency, I hope to cultivate a classroom environment where students are motivated, engaged, and confident in their ability to learn.

Furthermore, the opinions and suggestions that came from my cohorts expanded my knowledge about the practices that they follow in different parts of the world. The emphasis on inquiry- based learning has prompted me to rethink how I design my lessons. I plan to incorporate more open-ended questions that challenge students to think critically and explore multiple perspectives. By designing activities that require exploration and reflection, I can help my students develop the skills they need to become lifelong learners.

Finally, the workshop has reinforced the importance of reflective practice. I am committed to making reflection a regular part of my teaching routine—not just for my students, but for myself as well. By continually assessing my own practices and seeking ways to improve, I can ensure that I am providing the best possible learning experiences for my students.


This workshop has been a powerful reminder of the importance of agency, the value of deep

understanding, and the potential for applying learning in transformative ways. As I move

forward, I am excited to implement the strategies and insights gained from this experience. By nurturing agency, embracing inquiry-based learning, and committing to reflective practice, I hope to create a classroom environment where both my students and I can thrive.

The journey of learning and teaching is one of continuous evolution and I am grateful for the opportunities to grow along the way.

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